An image of six people dressed as green toy soldiers attached to a giant arial mobile and playing drums. The photo is shot from below with a blue sky background.

Mobile Homme

MOBILE HOMME, Transe Express

Sunday 23rd May 2010, Newbury Town Centre

French drumming and dance company, Transe Express, sent a troupe of drummers parading through the town centre in the middle of a sunny afternoon, and to the surprise of the crowd, hoisted them up in the air creating a giant human mobile.

Drumming and dance company Transe Express have been creating outdoor performances since 1982.

The group of seven paraded through the town centre drumming, wearing colourful green, yellow and black costumes reminiscent of eighteenth century naval or military officers with bicorn hats. They marched and danced in and out of pubs, interacted and danced with the crowd, and moved in different formations.

In a dramatic moment they were harnessed to cords hanging from a giant mobile, and a tall crane hoisted them high up into the air, high above the heads of the crowd. A trapeze artist performed tricks from the very top of the mobile, as the crane lowered and raised and glided them slowly over the crowd, at times dipping them down almost to street level, then taking them up again.

A man dressed in a green and yellow little drummer boy costume with white paint on his face leans towards a boy in a crowd of people pulling a silly face, puckered up as if about to kiss the boy. The boy is wearing a blue t-shirt and laughing at the man.
The image looks up to a skyline of Newbury clocktower against a blue sky. In the skyline is a large aerial mobile with eight performers attached and suspended in the air. Seven of the performers are dressed in green and yellow toy soldier costumes and playing the drums. Above the toy soldiers is an aerial acrobat, dressed in a green and yellow lycra suit, making a star shape with their body.
Five male actors wearing green, yellow and back toy solder costumes including buttoned coats and pirate-style hats are posing for the camera - some are kneeling, some standing, all holding a drum and drum sticks, wearing white face paint with yellow triangles over their eyes, pulling silly, smiling faces.
This photo is taken from below looking up to the very blue sky. It features three people attached to a large wooden aerial mobile suspended in the air. Two of the people are dressed in green and yellow toy soldier costumes playing the drums, one is in dressed in a green and yellow Lycra outfit performing aerial acrobatics.
Images by Gavin Wilkinson

Video of Mobile Homme

Transe Express

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