Mobile Homme
MOBILE HOMME, Transe Express
Sunday 23rd May 2010, Newbury Town Centre
French drumming and dance company, Transe Express, sent a troupe of drummers parading through the town centre in the middle of a sunny afternoon, and to the surprise of the crowd, hoisted them up in the air creating a giant human mobile.
Drumming and dance company Transe Express have been creating outdoor performances since 1982.
The group of seven paraded through the town centre drumming, wearing colourful green, yellow and black costumes reminiscent of eighteenth century naval or military officers with bicorn hats. They marched and danced in and out of pubs, interacted and danced with the crowd, and moved in different formations.
In a dramatic moment they were harnessed to cords hanging from a giant mobile, and a tall crane hoisted them high up into the air, high above the heads of the crowd. A trapeze artist performed tricks from the very top of the mobile, as the crane lowered and raised and glided them slowly over the crowd, at times dipping them down almost to street level, then taking them up again.
Video of Mobile Homme
Transe Express
Find out more about Transe Express and their work.