All Womxn Acrobalance Lab


101 Labs in Association with Mimbre

Sat 25 Jan – Wed 29 Jan 2020, 101 Outdoor Arts Creation Space

24 experienced female acrobats who define as female came together for an incredible week of acrobalance training.

They worked together on tricks and experimenting, without the pressure of having to create a final production.

Learning, exploring and skill sharing in a supportive atmosphere was the driver for this lab, facilitated by instructors from London based, female-led acrobatic company Mimbre.

The lab included a mixture of technique workshops and creative sessions where participants could explore choreographic ideas.

101’s expansive space allowed participants to work on balances up to four people high, and to practise large group balances, with plenty of space for moving and turning balances and formations.

Working in an all female group meant acrobats could try new things, such as being a base or middle rather than a flyer, and play to different strengths.

The lab was open to applications from experienced performers identifying as female with an advanced level of training.

One place was earmarked for an early career performer and another for a performer identifying as disabled.

Videos of the lab on Mimbre’s Facebook page had 14000 views and participants were keen to do a lab like this again in future. Some participants found new work after the lab, and Mimbre found new people to work with.

A video Mimbre's All Womxn Acrobalance Lab

"I’m genuinely really impressed by what we can achieve... it’s surprise at something you think you can’t do or you’re not strong enough, but because you have people around with expertise [you can]."

Participant comment.

"I love the teamwork and making different shapes together – things you wouldn’t necessarily make if not through working together."

Participant comment.

Lina Johansson, Co Founder and Joint Artistic Director of Mimbre said:

"You often end up specialising in one area. In Mimbre we started off working a lot in three pyramids in different variations and constellations. We got Clemance and Marianna in the room and they do loads of work on three-highs.

"By getting this room of fantastic womxn together, each one is bringing a different kind of expertise in and sharing it with the others. I think there’s a real lack of professional development for circus performers at the moment. With a pressed schedule and lack of resources and spaces to train in so often it ends up being mainly to maintain the skills you have and not many chances to push your skills further once you finish your training. But as a circus performer that’s what drives and gives energy."

Watch Mimbre's playlist of videos from this lab

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