An image of post it notes and pieces of paper with mind maps on, from the Creative Tech Lab discussions

Creative Tech Lab


11th - 13th December 2019
Produced by 101 in partnership with Without Walls and XTrax
101 Outdoor Arts Creation Space

The Creative Tech Lab was a three day intensive residential for artists and creative practitioners wanting to immerse themselves in the ‘how’ of integrating and developing creative technology aspects of their work in outdoor and public space.

There was a design co-jam using the Wizard of Oz technique for prototyping (WOZ prototyping) - a design methodology used in rapid product development to improve the user experience (UX).

Participants worked in groups to create interactive puzzles and mini games to demonstrate Wizard of Oz prototyping, and iteration for digital project planning and devising.

Participants had plenty of opportunities throughout the weekend to discuss the challenges and opportunities that using tech outdoors throws up.

The 101 team worked with Without Walls and Xtrax to curate this residential weekend programme of workshops. The lab was facilitated by Hilary O'Shaughnessy of Watershed’s Pervasive Media Studio and a range of experienced creative technologists.

The aim was to help artists understand the potential of technology in their work and to understand how they could explore how to devise, spec and test creative technology approaches – often using very accessible and immediate lo-fi techniques.

Combining hands-on practical sessions with individual surgeries and group discussion, artists had the chance to access 101’s dedicated fabrication workshop and a range of indoor and outdoor spaces, to play with possibilities.

"I found the whole experience rewarding in many ways. I'm excited with the networks forged and where they will take my practice."


“It was great to be able to create and experiment at the lab and also meet and develop relationships with the other artists.”

“This event more than anything else helped me understand how my work fits into the outdoor arts scene and further challenged my outlook on how technology can further enhance this work.”

"I enjoyed learning about Ambient Literature from Steve Simmons. His examples on how to trigger a narrative and foster activism (for example climate change) by taking the audience on a journey were very interesting."

"Have continued to stay in touch with a number of the people we spent the 3 days with. Have also been more confident and comfortable to pick up the phone and ask questions to Xtrax & Without Walls, which is something I never would've done before."

"I would like to continue my relationship with 101 to apply for a residency when I am at the right stage of development for my new work."

"The sessions opened my eyes to not only the possibilities, but also to the opportunities to use simple tech to test out ideas before spending lots of money."

"I found the whole experience rewarding in many ways. I'm excited with the networks forged and where they will take my practice."

4 large sheets of flipchart paper taped to the wall with brainstorming notes on.
Another brainstorm session