Acrolab with Mimbre
Acrolab with Mimbre
16-20 January 2023
@ 101 Outdoor Arts
Image credit: Emily Nicholl
The Acrolab was a week-long residency with 39 women and non-binary acrobatic performers, with the aim of developing the practice of acrobalance and group acrobatics in terms of access, inclusion and excellence.
As part of the lab we offered 3 supported places for female or non-binary circus, dance and physical theatre performers from backgrounds underrepresented in the arts (see more info below), who were interested in developing their acrobalance and group acrobatics skills in an inclusive and supportive environment with Mimbre’s wider pool of acrobats and 101 Outdoor Arts.
Acrolab was presented by Mimbre with support from 101 Outdoor Arts. Funded through Arts Council England, Greenham Trust and The Foyle Foundation.